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Adam DeGroote Real Estate Broker U13 Rep
Since beginning his career in real estate, Adam constantly remains up to date with all the latest trends to enrich his awareness and knowledge of the industry. Through his personal and professional experiences in dealing in real estate, Adam has developed a specific knowledge of our local marketplace. Adam is always on top of what is going on in Brantford, Brant County, Norfolk County, Oxford County and the surrounding areas so that he can make informed recommendations and decisions for his clients and himself. Over the years, Adam has had the privilege of earning many awards and accolades. Though these are a tremendous honour and confirm that his hard work and dedication to customer service is being noted, nothing could be more rewarding than being able to advise and help his clients succ
Proud sponsor of our U6-U9 Program with purchase of our Half Ice Boards.
Hersey's Canada
Jamboree Sponsor